Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is simply “A network of internet-connected objects able to connect and exchange data”. It is commonly abbreviated as IoT. You have the “things” that sense and collect data and send it to the internet.

The IoT now refers to the millions or billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet.

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Invention of the Internet of Things (IoT):

The actual term “Internet of Things” was coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999 during his work at Procter&Gamble (P&G).Ashton who working in supply chain optimization wanted to attract senior management’s attention to a new exciting technology called RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). A look at the career of Kevin Ashton known as the "Father of IoT" is also an executive director of MIT's Auto-ID Center, author of "How to Fly a Horse".

Internet of Things (IoT)

 Kevin Ashton

 (Father of “Internet of Things (IoT)”)

Why IoT is important?

IoT generates and analyses vast amounts of data, it is a significant driver of big data analytics projects. In particular, it can deliver large amounts of data in real-time. Through various IoT devices, it is possible to monitor the performance of all the employees as well as improve operations of all locations. IoT is an important field of technology that is set to improve greatly over time. The IoT has had significant effects on our world.

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Future trends in IoT:

Internet of things (IoT) is trending the technological field that converts any electronic device into a smarter one. The IoT affects nearly all the existing industries:

  •    Health-care
  •    Insurance
  •    Smart Buildings
  •    Manufacturing
  •    Transportation & Logistics
  •    Retailing                                                                                                 

The IoT technology is constantly evolving, and therefore IoT trends are something that’s always need to be looked out for and kept pace with. The Future of IoT is virtually unlimited due to advances in technology and consumer’s desire to integrated devices such as smartphones with household machines.


  • The IoT uses a variety of information sensing device and information processing equipment.
  • They are combining with internet to form an extensive network to intelligence the objects.
  • Many applications will lead to ethical debates.
  • Although security is improving, the total security is impossible. Detection, Response, and Recovery should be the priority.
  • IoT and RFID define the future.

 Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT is big news because it ups the ante: ‘Reach out and touch somebody’ is becoming ‘reach out and touch everything’.”      

                                                                By:  Parker Trewin


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              Blog contributed by: Nivedita Shivhare

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